工作性质: 全职 部 门: 品管部
招聘人数: 1 截止日期: 2022-01-31
工作经验: 学 历: 大专
工作地点: 廊坊市 性 别: 不限
年 龄: 18-70 邮 件: Lydia_Li@cargill.com
联系人: Lydia Li 联系电话: 18967360518


- 确保个人,同事和设施的安全,同时积极发现工作生活中的不安全因素;
Ensure personal, colleagues and facilities safety. And find the unsafe factor during work and life proactively.
- 及时准确地执行日常的化学分析测试;
Perform daily wet chemistry analysis timely and accurately;
- 维护所使用的化验设备的正常功能;
Maintenance the Lab equipments function which you use;
- 按照技术实施的时间表,执行并测试新的营养参数的分析方法;
Deploy and trial new nutrition parameter analysis method in a timely manner according to TD schedule;
- 作为CAN中国区化验室的代表参与到全球CAN的食品安全测试项目中,例如三聚氰胺的快速检测项目;
Participate in global food safety test projects such as melamine as a representative of CAN China
- 每个月和所有的化验室成员合作解决质量审计中的所有缺陷项;
Cooperate with all Lab members to resolve all the defects identified in the quality audit on month basis.
- 每个月参与到全球ICSP 程序。
Participate in global ICSP program on month basis
- 每月参与化验室的安全改进项目;
Participate Lab safety improvement project on month basis
- 每天将分析结果输入到化验室的LIMS系统中并保持改进化验项目的TAT;
Input all analyzed data into LIMS system daily and contribute to improve TAT consistently.

Understand English documents via English reference book;
Major of Chemical, Food science, Animal or plant Nutrition, Or equivalent working experience, or educational
Ability to perform repetitive tasks efficiently over “long” periods of time
Must be present during scheduled work hours, and able to work as required by workload demand.
Must be able to plan and schedule daily and weekly tasks via written and verbal instructions
Must be able to work independently, and with other team members, with minimal guidance
Must be able to receive direction from supervisory staff in written and oral form.
Must be a strong willing to learn from others
Skills needed in the position 独立承担并完成该职位工作任务所需具备或掌握的技能(可以是上岗后再通过接受培训而获得)。
- 数理统计学基础,能达到化验室技术员的测试要求;
Perform math functions at a level that meets Lab technician testing
- 基础动物营养知识
Basic understanding of animal nutrition
Familair with office software of computer
发布时间: 2019-10-28
所属行业: 饲料/添加剂/原料   公司规模:1000人以上   公司性质: 外资/合资企业   所在地区: 不限

嘉吉在中国拥有10000多名员工,50多个业务运营点,包括工厂和办公室,总部位于上海。目前,嘉吉在中国的业务涵盖农产品供应链、动物营养、动物蛋白、食品配料及应用 、能源、运输及金属、金融服务等领域。